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Spectra News

The Spectra 1964 BBDI - The "Colorless" DI
No Hype, No Color, Just Pure Tone For years customers routinely asked, "What DI to use with the 610 series Complimiters." We had a few...

Tutorial: STX 100 & 500 Pairing
UPDATED: We have updated the design of the old connector to a cable connector as shown below.

Spectra 1964 Sound on Sound Interview - NAMM 2020
Thanks to our friends over at Sound on Sound for the interview!

V610: The Ultimate Compressor Limiter
The Spectra 1964 model V610 is a required addition to any mastering suite. In many mastering signal chain configurations, the V610 is...

Matt Ross-Spang Talks Spectra 1964
Transcript: "I feel very fortunate that I was born in Memphis. I started working at some studio when I was 16 as a tour guide, but then I...

The C610: 50 Years of Excellence
2019 marks the 50 year anniversary for our Spectra 1964 Classic 610 (C610). This unit is the original Spectra Sonics 610 Complimiter,...

Recording Studio Signal Flow and the V610
“ The [Spectra 1964] V610 has been a very valuable tool in my arsenal for several years now. I still prefer to use analog equipment for...

Tchad Blake: Recording Master and Innovator
The six-times Grammy Award winning Tchad Blake is no small force in the recording industry. Tchad is known for his very particular style...

The STX 100: History and Specs
Before we had the Spectra 1964 STX 100 500 series preamp, we had the Spectra Sonics Model 110A, and before that, we had the Spectra Sonics..

The History of Spectra 1964
The history of the pro audio equipment recording company, Spectra 1964, began humbly in a home basement.

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